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Printing optmatch objects.


# S3 method for optmatch
print(x, quote = FALSE, grouped = FALSE, ...)



The optmatch object, as returned by fullmatch or pairmatch.


A boolean indicating if the matched group names should be quoted or not (default is not to quote).


A logical indicating if the object should printed in the style of a named factor object (grouped = TRUE) or as a table of group names and members.


Arguments passed to print.default.


fm <- fullmatch(pr ~ t1 + t2, data = nuclearplants)

#>    H    I    A    J    B    K    L    M    C    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T 
#>  1.3  1.1  1.1  1.8  1.2  1.3  1.3  1.3  1.3  1.8  1.8  1.3  1.5  1.3  1.9 1.10 
#>    U    D    V    E    W    F    X    G    Y    Z    d    e    f    a    b    c 
#>  1.7  1.4  1.4  1.5  1.2  1.6  1.5  1.7  1.3  1.6  1.3  1.3  1.3  1.8  1.9 1.10 
print(fm, grouped = TRUE)
#>  Group                         Members
#>    1.1                            I, A
#>   1.10                            T, c
#>    1.2                            B, W
#>    1.3 H, K, L, M, C, P, R, Y, d, e, f
#>    1.4                            D, V
#>    1.5                         Q, E, X
#>    1.6                            F, Z
#>    1.7                            U, G
#>    1.8                      J, N, O, a
#>    1.9                            S, b